This course is designed to help attendees make this tax season different by providing unique insights and methods to maximize time, energy, and profits during tax season. Typically, tax season is challenging because of the long hours, the endless 1040s, and the painful back and forth with clients who sometimes delay providing the information needed to complete their returns. For most tax firms, tax season is busy, stressful, and not nearly as profitable as it should be.
With that in mind, this course covers topics that can help a firm use the busy tax season to its fullest potential. We will discuss price increase letters, client retention, tax prep questionnaires, and tax planning.
Learning Objectives:
CEO and Co-founder
[email protected]
(305) 985-7740
Andrew Argue, CPA, is the CEO and Co-founder of Corvee, a software and solutions company serving tax and accounting firms. At Corvee, Andrew works to help tax and accounting firms increase their revenue and profitability through tax planning.
Andrew founded Corvee with the goal to create a road map for tax and accounting firms to make the transition from compliance to advisory services. Since then, the company has launched first-of-its-kind tax planning software to give accounting firms and tax professionals the ability to formulate a tax savings calculation, develop a proactive and strategic tax plan and be the trusted advisor clients need.
Before Corvee, Andrew founded (now Corvee) and The Bean Counter (acquired by Roger CPA Review) and worked as an auditor at PwC.
Andrew has been named twice on Accounting Today’s Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting – Ones to Watch list. He has a Master of Accounting and a Bachelor of Science in accounting from the University of Tampa. He also holds Series 7, Series 66, and Certified Public Accountant licenses.